EasyPro Concentrated Pond & Lake Dye, Water Soluble Packets



EasyPro Lake Dye Packets are a safe, convenient part of overall maintenance for a pond or lake. This nontoxic pond tint improves the appearance of pond water, helps with overall water quality, and reduces the amount of light below the water surface. Reducing the light below the water surface can lessen the growth of algae and weeds and can provide protection for fish from herons and predators.

  • Each packet treats up to 1/3 acre (assuming 3'-4' depth)
  • Mixes quickly in combination with aeration devices
  • Water can be used for swimming or irrigation once dye is dispersed
  • Compatible with most aquatic algaecides and herbicides
SKU Item Color Description Safety Data
Sheet (SDS)
PD4P Blue Lake Dye, WSP 4pk "True blue" or
"Caribbean blue"
Blue Dye Safety Data Sheet
PD4PBK Black Lake Dye, WSP 4pk Dark, reflective tint
Black Dye Safety Data Sheet
PD4PSB Serenity Blue Lake Dye, WSP 4pk Deep blue Serenity Blue Dye Safety Data Sheet

Application Instructions
Ideal for large ponds and lakes, apply as needed. These water soluble packets are easy to use, simply toss them directly into the pond. Use of disposable gloves is recommended, since colorant can stain hands or clothing when concentrated. Once dispersed, the dye will not stain rocks, plants, pets, wildlife, or people. 

Keep out of reach of children. Safe for fish and aquatic life.

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